Some cats have trouble digesting their food which can result in more stool. As well, some cats regurgitate their food when they eat too quickly. Proper nutrition can make digestion easier, and specialized kibble can limit regurgitation for cats with sensitive stomachs.
PROVEN RESULTS Over 95% healthy stool quality in 10 days, when fed ROYAL CANIN® DIGESTIVE CARE dry and wet formulas. *Royal Canin internal study
A sensitive stomach and digestive tract may result in poor stool quality, which can be a sign of poor digestion.
Some cats have trouble digesting their food which can result in more stool. As well, some cats regurgitate their food when they eat too quickly. Proper nutrition can make digestion easier, and specialized kibble can limit regurgitation for cats with sensitive stomachs.
PROVEN RESULTS Over 95% healthy stool quality in 10 days, when fed ROYAL CANIN® DIGESTIVE CARE dry and wet formulas. *Royal Canin internal study
A sensitive stomach and digestive tract may result in poor stool quality, which can be a sign of poor digestion.
Date of expiry : 20/04/2025
100% Satisfaction
Healthy Food
30 Day Return
Made With Love
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